List of Ministries

Most of the largest ministries of Salem are listed above under the “Ministries” tab of site navigation, but there are too many ministries active at Salem for all of them to be listed in the main website navigation. This page holds a more complete reference to the various ministries active at Salem and how to learn more about them.

Contact names for each ministry are listed, however due to privacy concerns no further contact details are given. If you would like assistance getting in touch with any of the ministries or individuals, you can contact the Salem Church Office at (919) 362-7327.

Contact: Mike McMorris

BFGs meet weekly at Salem during the 9:45AM BFG hour, providing community, Bible Study, and support within close-knit groups of believers.

Circle of Grace (Homeschooling)

Contact: Nola Summerville

A support and fellowship group for homeschooling families.

Journey to Bethlehem

Contact for 2023: Nola & John Summerville

Journey to Bethlehem is our annual Christmas walk-thru nativity. Directors for JTB are determined on an annual basis.

Media Ministry

Contact: Andrew Osborne

The Media Ministry uses technological media to communicate the activity and ministry potential of Salem. This includes photography, video, social media, digital projection, and sound mixing among other disciplines.

Men’s Purity Group

Contact: Jeff Fisher

An outreach of Inside Out Ministries, meets regularly at Salem. The group is led by Jeff Fisher, and helps men in the midst of struggling with issues of lust, unhealthy relationships, and pornography.

Contact: Missions Committee

We are the hands and feet of Jesus! Members of Salem are actively serving Jesus every day in local, national, and global missions. Our desire is for every member of Salem to be engaged in evangelism, and invested in missions.

Contact: Jeff Olds

As those redeemed by Jesus Christ we have much to sing and rejoice for! We sing because our hearts overflow with God’s love for us. We sing to proclaim His word to all who will hear. We sing to remind ourselves of the truths of God’s word. Most of all, we sing because the King of kings and Lord of lords delights in our praise and asks for us to sing and praise throughout scripture!

Contact: Susan Kubel

The primary aim of this ministry is to support children with special needs and their families and allow the children the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ in a safe and loving environment where their individual needs can also be met.


Contact: Dennis Cotten

Retired Old Men Eating Out meets weekly in local restaurants for Bible study and fellowship.


Contact: Jamie Hyden

Partnering with families in training children to pursue Jesus and teaching them to share His story.

Contact: Senior Adult Committee

A lively group of adults 60 and over who enjoy fun, food, fellowship, music, outreach ministries, and travel to local and not-so-local destinations!

Contact: Mike Cooper

The goal of Salem Student Ministry is to make student disciples of Christ who are fully devoted followers of Jesus by equipping them to daily depend on the grace of God, and declare the Gospel to the world around them.

Contact: Tammy Pressley

Our goal at Salem Baptist Preschool is to provide your child with a safe, loving, Christian environment in which to grow and learn.

At Salem Women’s Ministry, we prayerfully seek to glorify God by offering events and activities for our church and community that are biblically-focused and address the spiritual needs of women, support missions, and promote fellowship, thereby encouraging and strengthening each woman’s relationship with Jesus Christ.